Monday, September 18, 2017

Prestigious Dance Center or your Local Studio?

Right now, you're probably thinking to yourself "Of course a prestigious dance center! Why is this even a question?"  
It is most certainly more than just a simple answer to a simple question. It's your instinct that kicks in instantly and allows you to make that decision, rather then your actual thought. 

I am writing this post to tell you that you shouldn't take your local studio for granted and here is why.

First off, I won't deny that a prestigious dance center has its benifits.

Here are some perfect example that show why:
  • It's name brand, meaning that it is well known. So when people find out you went there, they are automatically going to assume that you are a technically perfect dancer. 
  • Training is more harsher, meaning that you will recieve training more strictly, allowing you to exceed any grow fast on a technical basis.
  • It's a more serious environment. All dancers and instructors there are serious and all about serious business. No fooling around, joking or waisting time.
  • Its competitive, which will get you used to the real dance world.
Of corse, if thats waht you feel that you want or need, go for it. Theres nothing wrong with it, these bennifits sound wonderful! 

However, your local studio can be so much more suiting in a number of ways.
  • All dancers are like family. You are with each other a lot, happy and learning, growing and making mistakes together. At a prestigious studio, you're less likely to socialize and make friends because everyone is too focused and serious about dancing, they dont have time for socializing in the studio.
  • It's a less judgmental atmosphere. If your studio is like family, you're less likely to judge each other, everyone is aware of their own flaws, and each others as well. At a prestigious studio, you are being judged by your teachers (since they are very advanced) and your peers because it is natural among people you don't socialize with.
  • There is less worrying about competition. In fact it's the opposite, local studio dancers are most likely to help each other out and uplift their peers. Compared to a prestigious studio, dancers are likely to be a little competitive with each other because they all want the best for themself. Not only that, but it helps them improve.
  • It's a less serious atmosphere. Not everyone at your local studio wants to end up a principal dancer at ABT. Compared to a prestigious studio, dancers there are more serious and less likely to bond with each other because their focus is to make a career out of dance.
  • More bonding with instructors: usually at a local studio, you bond with your instructor, it is much easier in a less judgmental, competitive, serious, and unsocial atmosphere. Where as in a prestigious studio, it's (in it's way) opposite.
Above all, you can see why sometimes you dont always have to attend a well known prestigious dance center to be an all rounded dancer. Your local studio can do you justice in many ways.

This is all spoken from my first hand experience. I've gone to my local studio for a little over 4 years now, and I went to a prestigious dance center this Summer. 
I really enjoyed it.
Most, if not all of my teachers were famous dancers from places like ABT. Which was amazing and beneficial. 
However, it did make me more nervous to connect with them. I found it easier to connect with my local studio dance teacher. I felt more comfortable making mistakes, and circumstances were less harsh. 
Not only that, but I was intimidated by most of the dancers around me, everyone was close to perfect. At my local studio I felt as though I was less intimidated because we were all friends and we all got along. 
At the prestigious studio I went to, dancers were serious, focused, and a little bit less social. This was a great environment to not waist time, and to get what I needed to get done. But I really did miss socializing at my local studio. :)

It all depends on what kind of dancer you are, and what you prefer for yourself. 

(Just really quick I will insert a disclaimer, just in case!) 

Disclaimer: I'm not "down talking" dancers or instructors at prestigious nor local studios. :) I'm simply stating the benifits of both studios. You can be a wonderful dancer/instructor no matter where you dance or teach at.

That is all for now folks! :) I sure did enjoy writing this blog post and talking about Local and prestigious studios. As well as my experience with them

Stay tuned for more! I hope you learned something from today's post. If you have questions, feedback, or you want to share your own experiences, be sure to leave a comment.

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Hope to see to in the next post! Please to subscribe to our blog so you don't miss out!

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