Sunday, February 12, 2017

Frustrations with Injuries

Dancers often deal with injuries, especially if they're overworking their bodies. Something that can be a little hard to remember while being injured (trust me - I've been there!), is that you're not alone - there are other people who know exactly what you're going through.

Apart from the physical pain, we also deal with the frustration, which can sometimes be worse than the pain itself. At the moment, I'm struggling with tendonitis in my hip and it's hindering me from doing jumps, developpes and plies, which are very common in contemporary.
Instead of forcing your body to do something that it can't do yet, take it slow: remember that everyone has something that they're working on. It's important to listen to your body and to avoid the things that could take you out of dance for long periods of time. For example, I avoid doing arabesques, developpes and jumps with my right leg, because I know that it will put too much pressure on my hip and I know that I'll regret it later.

If you are feeling pain, go to a specialist. I go to physiotherapy 3 times a week to heal my injury and to prevent them from happening in the future. Want to hear from another dance? Here's what Density recommends:

Something that helped me a lot, was talking to someone about it. Every dancer will understand what you're going through, and you can always talk to your family or friends for mental support. However, I think you should definitely tell your dance teachers that you're injured. Not only will they be less harsh with you (until you get better), but they will also understand why you may not be as enthusiastic as usual. Injuries can really affect a dancer 's mood, and in my opinion the best thing you can do, is be patient with your body and let it heal. Don't rush into anything when you come back: your body will still be in a healing state and it could hurt you even more than the initial injury.
Here's some advice from @insta_tutus

Good luck!


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