Sunday, February 5, 2017

My opinion on Adult BEGINNER ballerinas

Although I may not be an adult beginner ballerina myself- I understand that it is, to a very great degree, remarkably challenging to start ballet at a late age. Not only is it difficult in the fact that there are many young and talented dancers amongst us, but it can get stressful, physically demanding, and expensive too. I know that it is not easy, and one needs to be willing to put the literal blood, sweat, and, tears into it. I must imply- that adult beginners are incredibly brave. I greatly appreciate their strength and courage, they are role-models to other adults, to younger children and to young adults as well. There are so many out there that deserve more attention and credit than they receive. Wonderful people who are genuinely hard workers, who invest their time, money and body into their passion. I believe that they are such humble but powerful people. I admire them just for making a positive change in the world of dance.

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