Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Where does your inspiration come from?

Where does your inspiration come from as a dancer?

(Image made by me)

Let me start off by simply stating that inspiration is everywhere. Just look around at how beautiful  the world is. We live on a beautiful planet floating in the middle an infinite universe. Rotating between our sun and our moon so we can experience day and night. Have you ever looked up at the night sky and thought to yourself  'wow, I wonder why we exist in such a beautiful universe. It must be magic'. Think about it - it's practically a fairytale!

So if inspiration is everywhere, then why are you not feeling inspired?
One word, society. Society is the number one distraction for us. People are so focused on society and what it has to offer, rather then looking at the true beauty of what the world itself has to offer. We are blinded by the artificial beauty of society and can not see how amazing it is to truly exist. Once you take the time out to notice and embrace nature and life, you will begin to see that inspiration comes from everything and everyone. Especially when it comes to ballet.

As a ballet dancer myself, I would say that inspiration is the very thing that keeps me going. Lets face it, ballet is hard and the competition is fierce if you are considering ballet as a carrier. There are going to be times where you burst into tears and feel like giving up. I admit, I have had plenty of those, and I will have plenty more. I made it through those times because of inspiration. I was inspired to not give up, and inspiration is one of the reasons I am still a ballet dancer today. I know, it sounds almost too simple. However, sometimes the most simple things are the key holders to a situation in life. You do not believe me? Well, think about it. 
If you are a dancer, have you ever had the urge to suddenly stretch after watching amazing dancers preform? You are not alone, it happens to me and every other dancer out there. In fact, it happens to everyone. An artist will be inspired by an other artist, a singer will be inspired by an other singer, a instrumentalist will be inspired by an other instrumentalist and so on. Well, there you have it. That is inspiration in its true form. You were inspired to do something great, by someone great. You could have easily felt jealous, or discouraged because of how stunning he or she was. But that inspiration lit a fire in you. You have got this burning passion to be the best version of yourself. That is how beautiful inspiration is.
Whenever you feeling doubt about anything
ask yourself: 'Where does my inspraion come from?'
Then answer yourself: 'Me, you, and everything around us.'

(Me in year 2015)

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