Thursday, September 1, 2016

Overcoming Negative Impacts- Rejections, Injuries, lack of support

(Photo by me)

Every rejection, injury, or problem you face as a dancer will make you who you are. It helps you become stronger, and helps you learn your way through the rough world of dance. This is what creates your story, it is what makes you different, as no dancer faces the same exact challenges as you do.

Dealing with REJECTION as a dancer

Ah, let's chat about it. The good old rejection. The destroyer of a dancers confidence. Some dancers are not as deeply affect by it, apart from others as it could tear them down and fill their minds with unbearable doubts.
Every dancer in their time will go through it. Rejection is definitely unavoidable. But it is so heartbreaking. As a sensitive ballerina myself, I can tell you that rejection really impacts my confidence, thoughts, and overall view of dance. Sometimes it can make me feel like a horrible dancer, as if I am talentless. Rejection can really make want to give up.
But I can strongly say that every rejection makes you stronger, believe it or not. It could push you to become something better, or it can protect you in a sense.
Think of your dance journey as you traveling down a straight road. As you make your way down the road,  you come across a break off that leads to another road. You are interested  by this so you change your direction in an attempt to go down that road. But then you notice there is a 'do not enter' sign. This can upset you as you are curious to know what's down there. But this sign is in place to prevent you from going the wrong way. As a normal 'do not enter' sign works on the real  road, preventing you from colliding with other cars. That sign represents rejection. Sometimes you're  rejected to go somewhere better, or to become someone stronger.
This does not change the harsh feel of being rejected, I know. But you must remember, rejection is not your reflection.

'Dealing with INJURIES as a dancer'

Yup, we are going to go there. Injuries, a dancers profoundly immoral enemy. Injuries can be quite the silent killer. They can affect a dancer in many negative ways. They can hold a dancer back, and make a dancer feel left out. But sometimes, you are just going to have to cope with it, because fighting against your injuries can really make matters worst. I can say this from experience. In my time, I've had plenty of injuries. But I ignored them all simply because I wanted to dance, I did not want to sit out, or take a break. Until one day I heard a dancer say "I like to listen to my body, if I am hurt, I'll take the break now because I want to keep dancing for as long as I can later on". This really inspired me to take care of myself. I saw that even Marina has taken a break due to her injuries, and you should do the same. Whether you are a dancer, gymnast, athlete, or anyone for that matter, because the truth is, an injury is and injury. There is no changing that. Your body needs time to rest and rebuild your strength. If you fail to receive this rest then you will become weaker. You will take longer to heal. So if you are anything like I was, don't be. It is not worth it. After every injury you recover from, you learn, and become much stronger. So take the time to heal, and learn.

'Dealing with lack of support as a dancer'

Honestly, this is a very talkative topic. This is a very strong negative impact, not only for a dancer, but for everyone.
I have always wanted to strive to become a professional Ballet dancer, and this actually strikes up some pretty decent conversation between others and myself.
Many reactions are positive and uplifting, whilst others can be very heart breaking and cold. I have once had one say to me "Ballet? You want to be a ballerina? Is that what you want to do? Twirl around for a living? There is no hope for you." This, oh this, I remember word for word. Moment for moment. I remember the tears that filled my eyes. I thought to my self 'Goodness Amanda, don't cry, wait till later to cry' (When I am by my self). I tried my best to hold my tears, as my feelings were brutality hurt. I had that horrible feeling in my throat, and that terrible feeling in my chest. But do you think that is all? No, you are sadly mistaken. Trust me, there was plenty more where that came from.
"Ballet is not a real carrier, you'll never make it, you better have a back up plan for when you fail"
"You shouldn't be a ballet dancer. You are good at sciences, so be a doctor. It's more realistic"
Are you getting my point?
This to contributes to lack of support. All of these sayings are forced and stuck in my mind. I think about them so much. This is what I come to remember when in doubt.
You must be thinking, but family support right? Nope. I grew up in a family of realistic thinkers. They are all doctors, lawyers, managers, and all that jazz. So of course, they are going to want me to be as they are. However,  I am grateful for the little support I have from most of my family members. And yes, people have their opinions, they will shut you down, or call you out. The truth is, they are not open minded enough to know that there are so many opportunities out there. When they hear 'I want to be a, ballet dancer, Make up artist, fashion designer, footballer, (etc)' they automatically think - Unsuccessful, impossible and unrealistic. - It's not that they are uncreative, but they are convinced that creativity will not get far.
The way to avoid the negative impacts of unsupportive people, is to not let their thoughts project nor convince you.
Do your best to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people that believe in you.
If you are wondering how I forgot all these mean unsupportive comments - Here is the truth, I didn't. Instead of forgetting them, I remember them, word for word. I am dedicated to proving each and every one of those people wrong. Those words drove me to do better, they motive me to never give up. Because if I do, I will prove them all right. The same should go to you. If you are reading this, and you are going through what I'm going through. Then I am letting you know, if lack of support is preventing you from being successful, why are you letting it? Those other people do not control you or your success. You do.
And If you truly want something, you will get it. No denying , no excuses.
Always look at the positive side to the negatives. There always will be a plus, and you will always gain when you lose.
When dealing with these negative comments about how "unsuccessful" or "unrealistic" you are, here is my tip to you: You can let them go, but never forget them.
And to all you out there, always support each other!
support = success.

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  1. I love this ! Can you please do a separate post talking more on the topic of un-supporting people ? I like what you said there , especially about how they dont think creativity would get far . You gave some nice advices . I am not a ballet dancer but I will use these tips for track . Thanks .

    1. Thank you lots! I love the fact that you benefit from this post. Also, yes! I will definitely add that on my to-do list.
