Sunday, October 9, 2016

When pushing yourself is too Far

There is no doubt in mind that there's a difference between working hard, and pushing yourself too hard.
I know that it's absolutely impossible to accept that you have your limits.
But we must remember-
once you understand your limits, you become limitless.
I do not blame anyone who hates that saying. It is quite hard to understand, and it is even harder to accept. 
However, it true, and we must admit it. Though, it may not seem like it-
you are limitless, you have limitless abilities. But ability comes slowly, little by little. 
With practice, and with time.
Your limit right now may be less or more of a limit than next month.
See what I mean?
You may have your limits, but those limit can always be defeated.
Making you a limitless being. 
Some dancers may not know that they are pushing themselves to far.
At a point and time, I was one of those dancers.
Once I became aware, I didn't do anything to change. I have danced and stretched on injuries. 
I even took Painkillers to ignore the fact that I was injured. In the moment, I was fine. But once those painkillers wore off, it made my injuries worst.
Taking Painkillers does not heal your injuries, it just temporarily hides the pain. And from my experience, the pain just came back worst and worst each day. 
(If you are one of those dancers, please stop. You're only hurting yourself, not helping yourself.)
Staying up all night & not getting proper rest, not taking breaks when you're told to, mentality putting your self down, stressing, not eating right, (and many more) are all the bad habits of pushing yourself too far.
All of this reflects in your dancing.
Which will cause you to push yourself even further.
Be wise, and do the right thing.
Help yourself.
Don't be your own enemy.
I understand we are all hungry to accomplish our dreams, but to accomplish something big you must make many small accomplishments.
For example, walking up steps. To make it to the top, you do not just jump up all those steps at one time.
You'll just end up getting hurt, and it won't be successful.
Same concept here.
Take your time. 
Many believe that time can be our biggest enemy.
However, to get time on your side, you must work with it.
Not on it.

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